System: 777 FX
Description: Protect the capital and stable profit. It is a priority of this system
Portfolio 40XEA – 90%(M15,H1,H4,D1)
manual trading – 10% (only GOLD and SP500)
Max RDD 8%. Allways set SL/TP.
Type of Trading: Real
Broker: IronFX
Started: May 21, 2015
Views: 7
Tracking: 0 users
Essentials: The 777 FX system has made 518 trades with an average winning trade of 53.77 pips / , the average losing trade around -128.61 pips / and an average trade length of 1d.The best trade it ever had was (Aug 21) 3200.0 in pips and the worst trade was (Sep 21) -7950.0 in pips.
It has won (166/224) 74% of its attempted buys and (204/294) 69% of its attempted sells.
Pros & Cons
- Its average win is larger than 10 pips which is usually a good thing.
- Drawdown has been kept under 30% which is good.
- Uses a potentially huge and dangerous stop loss.
- Bad risk:reward ratio. Stop loss is more than 2x the take profit.